all postcodes in PL30 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL30 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL30 5AA 0 50.45731 -4.720509
PL30 5AB 0 50.453362 -4.707744
PL30 5AD 1 50.44239 -4.699159
PL30 5AE 3 50.437243 -4.704654
PL30 5AF 0 50.441148 -4.707722
PL30 5AH 0 50.429703 -4.700521
PL30 5AJ 0 50.428305 -4.704481
PL30 5AL 1 50.426509 -4.700084
PL30 5FE 0 50.427134 -4.688307
PL30 5AN 0 50.421286 -4.703462
PL30 5AP 0 50.428075 -4.710101
PL30 5AQ 1 50.445136 -4.71485
PL30 5AR 1 50.414081 -4.703109
PL30 5AS 0 50.405654 -4.706514
PL30 5AT 1 50.414188 -4.712786
PL30 5AU 0 50.462096 -4.738101
PL30 5AW 0 50.424925 -4.695152
PL30 5AX 1 50.454351 -4.745742
PL30 5AY 0 50.452579 -4.754107
PL30 5AZ 0 50.446224 -4.736395